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Investment Chart



It's a fact:

Private lending on Real Estate is now a global trend.

Each month, millions of dollars are traded around the world under this system  that has become the most simple and practical solution to your investing needs. And the best of all: It's secured by a real estate property and also... it's very profitable!


In our PRESTO platform, each transaction is private and individual:

An inverstor "A" loans money to an applicant "B", with the sufficient warranty of a property "X" as a collateral, in exchange of a fixed monthly payment (interest only) for two or three years, that can be renewed with flexibility.


It is not an investment fund handled by third parties.  You (and only you) handle directly your money.

Financial Report
Step 1:
Let us know your intent of investing
Fill out the Registration Form.
It's simple. No cost. No commitment.


You can invest in one or several private loans

Minimum amount of $50,000 per loan

Step 2:
We find the right applicant for you. 

PRESTO immediately takes care of finding in our database the applicant whose loan request is a fit for the amount of your investment, as well as the terms and renovations.  Keep in mind that those applicants own a property in USA which, at least, worth double than the cash they are borrowing.

That's your collateral warranty!

Step 3:
Place your investment only when the time is right.
Total Safety.
As the day of your transaction gets closer, you will have to place the total amount of your investment (plus a one time fee paid to the platform) in the escrow account that is created for this and each particular transaction, where is kept safe until the operation is formally closed.
Step 4:
Get a fixed monthly income.
At a very attractive rate*
Safety is provided by a real warranty. 
What else you can ask for?


Each month, until the term of your investment dues are up, you will receive in your bank account the amount of your interests. Like a clock. It's money you can count on.


*Interest rates agreed upon a case by case basis.

Please contact us

Step 5:
Your money invested, intact.
At the end

The amount of money you invested initially is paid in full when the term of the loan is up, with a single balloon payment.



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